Somethng odd happened today. I was out driving and as I sat at an intersection, I was looking at the cars in front.of me across the intersection, those in.the turn lane facing me, as I looked at the car I noticed that the car to.its right, and my left, I could not see. Then as I looked around I noted that my straight on vision was ok, but whatever was just to the left i could not see. As I moved my eyes aroind I could see what I was missing bt this was perplexing and I wondered if it was a blind spot that was going to grow or that was going to be pernamanant. Within a few munutes I noted that the edge of my visio. Was getting fuzzy and warbled. At first I thought it wss my right eye, my good eye as my left is partially blind already (I still have peripheral vsion but no focus, there is a black spot on center). Anyway I realized that the warbly vision aas in my left eyes periphery, like a ring of tiny waves that made everything look as I f it was in motion. These waves were most prominent in the lower left of my left eye and it was difficult to see at all. Then slowly it cleared and im.back to normal. Hopefully it was not worms eating away at my rods and cones...
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