Saturday, July 7, 2018


20171210 As I read this in hb2; "The purpose of God’s plan is to lead us to eternal life. " I thought to myself 'Am I ready for that?' I feel like I need to learn so much more to get there. I have wondered if a single life is enough to learn the myriad of things and experiences to enable me with the tools and knowledge to qualify for that. Have I lived before? Not just as in pre Earth life but in previous lives? I wouldn't know any of those previous lives any more than I would know any pre Earth life. Anyway I hope that there is something after this life, regardless I am living my life to the best for both here and now, and an eternal view. Sometimes I think that if there was nothing after this life that I have been too permissive of injustices against me and others, that 'this will be righted after this life' when if there is nothing after this life that these injustices should be corrected now and those that perpetuate them should be held accountable. I hope that there is something after this life and I believe that there is, but also believe that God wants life to be balanced between all things point to the existence of a Creator and all things point to that we are no more sentient than creatures of flesh who like cattle, live their lives and are no more.

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