Saturday, July 7, 2018


Web dragon little gray sports car Toyota looking pliny's brother Open the Bifrost alan late forties 6 foot nicely dressed light brown hair balding in the middle drive silver Honda Accord connect company Edna mode Bronze vw bring the plenty kenyen Late forties heavyset brown hair baseball cap blue pickup truck Grandpa hack. Short white hair round face. Late 50's early 60's Sv portal silver Toyota Tacoma pickup truck 4 door Heavyset salt pepper hair mustach BritMI6 Spanish lady mid forties 5 foot 2 drives black crossover type Clakerd and skywarp Clak dark black short hair business like Skywarp thin shaved bald Geogreg older heavy set 200 lbs 5'8" balding s&p sides moust/goatee Possibly retrosplurge as well Keltic 6' 20s black short hair tat rt forearm black shorts black shirt Syssymp grey dodge caravan 45-50 business Checkmate4 White Jeep Grand Cherokee 4 by 4 hispanic mid-twenties maybe Hawaiian Gem805 and wej805 boyfriend and girlfriend work at strathern Shehulk805 is wej805 home portal is Madera and strathern Spline9 lives in hidden ranch Apts, home portal is rsrpd and trailer park scurve Same with zerotalent Saxon cross - 6 foot 300 pounds dark grey mustache goatee ball cap Thatchik1000 late thirties early forties look like milena crane Kamra Late twenties have a set female blondish brown ponytail walks to dogs Brown shirt curly hair dogs Attackers at regal Gem805 Wej805 Spline9 BritMI6 Haxx0r70 KageCM BringThePliny OpenTheBifrost Shehulk805 Zerotalent Kayamat h3 . Heavyset late twenties five and a half foot Hispanic or dark, and bearded Girlfriend is busybee short lt brn hair, heavy set cauc Angaboda Mid twenties mid length poofy black hair female Comphakr newer black zx type pickup, looked like older guy Redikahn Late 40s hisp clean cut Kaya Nitejax dark grey Honda or Toyota 4 door coupe newer

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