Saturday, July 7, 2018


Three Sisters Rival groups also refer to is as individuals when we have a conflict with another person. We will usually vilify their actions and motivations to them justify our bias towards them. Then in turn their other actions will seem suspect. This happens a lot when people either come across challenges or conflict within the church. Not remembering spiritual promptings and answers to prayer or feeling that those answers were only feelings from within us rather than from God I told Jaden that someone's we should not strive to be happy. Sometimes the goal in out head of 'happiness' can be harmful. Especially if there is depression involved, the model of happiness will always make us feel like we are missing something in life because we are not always on that high of happiness. To me it is better to strive for contentment and peace. The way to inner peace is the journey. The destination is never reached and you realize that not only will it never be reached but it doesn't matter that it will never be reached because the journey with all of its ups and down challenges and disappointments that you are already there.

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