Saturday, July 7, 2018


When i think.of all of the tine that ive spent wasted over the years. Could have advanced my career learned a language gotten my professional certifications... ive spent my time.doing art projects, reading, watching movies, drawing drawkngs one will ever see. I did what made me happy. short term probably more than long bit actually in the long run i hope i was happier. 20170322 Memories trickle through like a sweet stream Of days of sun and nights of love Back in my mind I keep pushing it That one day this will all end And memories will cease to exist 20160623 Life is like suddenly realizing you are running in a crowd, off in the distance you can see the cliff everyone is hurling towards. The fallacy of a happy marriage What makes a happy marriage Why it doesn't work Overall vs totality Overall, thought the ups and downs, I could say that I have had a happy marriage. Take into account all of the pain and suffering I have put my wife through over the years and she may not say the same, nor I if I look at those horrible lows. We live life looking through rose colored glasses, saying that all of the good outweighs te bad, silver linings on the Grey clouds, etc. We are ever optompistisc in the face of irridity. Are there certain things that we not only dislike, but hate? There are things I am sure that my spouse would not put up with nor condone if it were another person. There are things that my wife does, not often thank God, that would make a instant enemy coming from anyone else. But even a marriage founded on priciples of gospel? Foundations and communi ation mean nothing in the end for a marriage that has ended.

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