Friday, July 6, 2018


N 34d 17'30.84" W118d 46'18.32" N 200' dia 5 from center = 0 8 13 13 8 0 = 20' apart 6 from center = 0 7 12 15 12 7 0 = 16.667' apart 240' dia 6 from center = 0 12 20 23 20 12 0 = 20' apart 6 = 120' @ 120' 7 = 104' @ 120' N 4d55'44" E House According to photomapper 6327952,1923641 According to googlearth 34d16'32.79,118d46'25.13 According to gps ? BestCircle According to photomapper 6328560,1929512 Calced from house 34d16'38.799",118d47'35.102" 2nd circle 63289168,1935384 5903.4' apart at n5d54'41.283'e or 84.0885325d or 84d5'18.7" I am here: 34 17.517 N 118 46.302 W,-118.77170 Same as 34 17 31.02 118 46 18.12

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