Friday, July 6, 2018
20160913 an introduction to zen buddhism by d t suzuki
an introduction to zen buddhism by d t suzuki
Zen differs from all other philosophical religious meditation practices in its principal lack of some position parentheses leave adoration or fixation on a particular person or object and parentheses Buddha himself is turned leave rejected semi colon indeed, he is almost blast for this Lee ignored, although - or perhaps just because - he could be the strongest spiritual some position of all. But he too is an image and must therefore be set aside. Nothing must be present accept what is actually there ... the answer which appears to come from a void, the light which flares up from the blackest darkness, these have always been experiences of wonderful and blessed illumination.
Page 38 there for, there are in zen no sacred books or dogmatic tenants, nor are there any symbolic formula through which an access might be gained into the sickness Cajon of them if. If I am asked, then, what zen teaches, I would answer, then teaches nothing. Whatever teachings there are in zen, they come out of ones own mind. We teach ourselves; zen merely points the way. I'm less this pointing is teaching, there is certainly nothing in zen purposely set up as its cardinal doctrines or as its fundamental philosophy.
Page 33
Though the scaffold (where sentence trucks all the verbal and conceptual ideas and sayings parentheses afford say most useful means to reach the in most reality, it is still an elaborate shin and artificially ality. We lose its whole significance when it is taken for a final reality. ... the nature of the human understanding compels us not to put too much confidence in this super structure. Miss staff occasion is far from being the object of Zen itself, but to those who have not touched the central fact of life, then inevitably appears as miss defying. Penetrate through the conceptual super structure and what is imagined to be a missed a vacation will at once disappear, and at the same time there will be an enlightenment known as story.
Page 32 33 To those who have not acquired this penetrating knowledge, that is, to those who have not experienced zen in their everyday active life - its teachings, or rather its utterances, assume quite a peculiar, uncouth, and even enigmatical aspect. Such people, looking at zen more or less conceptually, consider zen utterly absurd and ludacris, or deliberately making itself unintelligible in order to guard it's apparent profundity against outside criticism. But according to the followers of zen, its apparently paradoxal statements are not artificialities contrived to hide themselves behind a screen of obscurity; but simply because the human tongue is not an adequate organ for expressing the deepest truths of zen, the latter cannot be made the subject of lot of logical exposition; they are to be experienced in the inmost soul when they become for the first time intelligible. In point of fact, no plainer and more straightforward expressions then those of zen have ever been made by any other branch of human experience. "Coal is black" - this is plain enough; but zen protests, "Coal is not black." This is also plain enough, and indeed even planer then the first positive statement when we come right down to the truth of the matter.
Page 27 in the introduction the foremost of all illusions, however, is that something can suffice someone. That illusion stands behind all that is unendurable and in front of all progress, and it is one of the most difficult things to overcome.
Pg 15 intro by Carl G Jung
I treat satori first of all as a psychological problem. For anyone who does not share or understand this point of view, the "explaination" will consist of nothing but words which have no tangible meaning for him.
Pg 13 intro by Carl G Jung
When one examines the zen text attentively, one cannot escape the impression that, with all that is bizarre in it, satori is, in fact, a matter of natural occurance, of something so very simple that one fails to see the wood for the trees and in attempting to explain it, invariably says the very thing that drives others into greatest confusion.
Page 15 forward by carl jung.
Every spiritual happening is a picture and an imagination:... The imagination itself is a psychic occurrence, and therefore whether an enlightenment is called real or imaginary, is quite immaterial. The man who has enlightenment, or aledges that he has it, thinks in any case that he is enlightened. What others think about it can determine nothing whatsoever for him with regard to his experience. Even if he were to lie, his lie would be a spiritual fact. Yes, even if all religious reports were nothing but conscious inventions and falsifications, a very interesting psychological treatise would still be written on the fact of such lies, with the same scientific treatment with which be psychopathology of delusions is presented. The fact that there is a religious movement upon which many brilliant minds have worked on over many centuries is sufficient reason for venturing at least upon a serious attempt to bring such happenings within the realm of scientific understanding.
Page 1109. Zen is now the most ordinary thing in the world. A field that we formerly supposed to lie far away is now found to be there very field in which we walk, day in, day out. When we come out of satori we see the familiar world with all of its multitudinus objects and ideas together with all their logicalness, and pronounce them "good".
20150108 satori seems to be the small awakenings in mind to a different way of seeing and thinking, when suddenly what you have heard before suddenly makes sense or becomes profound. Zen then is the fulfillment of those small experiences in a profoundly spiritual experience that moves and awakens the soul. The universe unfolds and you become one with it. The spirit burns within and it cannot be explained with words.
Page 92. Cannot zen be so explained that a master can lead all his pupils to enlightenment through explanation? Is statori something that is not at all capable of intellectual analysis? Yes, it is an experience which no amount of explanation or argument can make communicable to others unless the latter themselves had it previously. If satori is an amenable to analysis in the sense that by so doing it becomes perfectly clear to another who has never had it, that satori will be no satori. For a satori turned into a concept ceases to be itself: and there will be no more a zen experience. Therefore, all that we can do in zen in the way of instruction is to indicate, or to suggest, or to show the way so that one's attention maybe directed toward the goal.
Page 91 kyogen I need to read more into story of history
Zen is presence, zen is present, zen is being present, and besides these are just words.
Page 78. A gong is struck and it's vibrations instantly follow.
I search for the words that enlightened me and I find that they were never written
Page 74. Ignorance alone often saves us from being disturbed in our self complacency.
Voice to text:
Big difference alone call maine from being disturbed in our cells complete see. Come play cincy. Complacent see.
Page 71. Zen abhors repetition or imitation of any kind, for it kills. For the same reason Zen never explains, but only affirms. Life is fact and no explanation is necessary or pertinent. To explain is to apologize, and why should we apologize for living? to live- is that not enough? Let us then live, let us affirm! Herein lies Zen in all its purity and in all its nudity as well.
Voice to text:
Then have a boyfriend repetition and invitation have any kind, for it kills. For the same never but only offer. Life is backed up m and no explanation. Or pertinent. To explain it is too pologize, and why should we apologize for living question to live tysons is that's not enough,? Lettuce then liz, let us out for me! He realizes in in all in spirit and in all its nudity as well.
Page 63. The reason why zen is so vehement in its attack on logic, and why the present work treats first of the illogical aspect of zen, Is that logic has so pervasively entered into life as to make most of us conclude that logic is life and without it life has no significance. The map of life has been so definitely and so thoroughly deliminated by logic that what we have to do is simply to follow it, and that we ought not to think of violating the laws of thought, which are final. Such a general view of life has come to be held by most people, though I must say that in point of fact they are constantly violating what they think inviolable. that is to say, they are "holding a spade and yet not holding it", they are making the sum of 2 and 2 sometimes 3, sometimes 5; only they are not conscious of this fact and imagine that their lives are logically or mathematically regulated. Zen wishes to storm this citadel of topsy turvydom and to show that we live psychologically or biological and not logically.
Voice to text:
The reason why then is over him in italy in its attack on logic, and why the present work treats first of the logical aspect of them. Is that logic has no pervasive lee entered into life has to make most of us to include that logic as so his life and without it wife has no significance. The map of life has been sold if minute every definitely and so early eliminate eliminated the limited by logic that what we have to do is simply to follow it, and that we ought not to think of violating the laws of thought, what your final. Such a general view how's life has come to be held by most people, though I must say that it thats in point of fact they are constantly violating what they think im violet able. Bet is to say, they are holding a spade and yet not holding it, they are making the sum of 2 and 2 sometimes 3, sometimes 5 semi: only be or not talk to some this act can imagine that their lives are logically for mathematical you regulated. Then wishes to storm is headed lol topsy turvy them and to show that we live psychologically or biological and not logically.
Page 62. Oh monks do you see this? If you see it, what is it you see? Would you say, it is a stick? If you do you are ordinary people, you have no zen. But if you say, we do not see any stick, then I would say, here I hold one, and how can you deny the fact?
Empty-handed i go, and behold the spade is in my hands; I walk on foot, and yet on the back of the ox I am riding; when I pass over the bridge, lo, the water floweth not, but the bridge doth flow. Jenye shan-hui
Page 60. The in most hey give me of the soul could not be expressed in words when low! Light comes over our entire being.
page 58. The entire chapter on the logical van
Page 62. I believe because it is a rational
Page 51. For zen always aims at grasping the central fact of life, which can never be brought to the dissecting table of the intellect.
Page 50 sometimes we come across the following: the middle way is where there is neither middle nor two sides. When you are fettered by the objective world, you have one side: when you are disturbed in your own mind, you have the other side. When neither of these exist, there is no middle part, and this is the middle way.
Page 46 the quote from yengo
Page 43 the truth is, then is extremely elusive is far as gets how to word aspects are concerned semi: when you think you have hot eclipse how did, it is no more there some michael from far it looks so notable, but it soon as you come here yet you see it even further away from you then before.
Page 39. This does not mean that is an tonight is the existence have guide to make corn neither denial nor have for mation concerns then. 20 thing is denied, the very denial involves something not tonight.
Page 33. People, looking at then more or less conceptual easy, consider then I'd really absurd hand ludicrous, or deliberately making itself on intelligent mall in order to guard it's apparent pro find a t against outside criticism. But, according to the followers office then, it's apparently paradox a call statements are not artificial it is can try and to hide them selves behind a screen of obscure pretty semi: but simply because the human tongue is not an adequate oregon we're expressing the deepest truths of zen, the latter cannot be made the subject home logical exposition; they are to be experienced in the in most soul when they become for the first time intelligible.
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