Friday, February 12, 2010

A collection of meeses

I was going to see if anyone could figure out where these flowers were taken, but then I decided it would be too obscure, they could be ANYWHERE. There's really nothing special about these flowers, maybe there are little inhabitants living in there with the bugs and mouses or meese, whichever you prefer. Many much meeses...
There's two hints there only one is really a hint, the Brian Regan reference isn't really a hint at all so don't bother with that one. The meese or mouses, maybe that's a vague reference to a hint. Look closely and you'll discover not the location but something else. So other than the vague resemblance of an obscure reference that might be construed as a hint, another would be 'Katrina' which might confuse you even more, but thats just a location where these are inside of the other location. Confused yet? So am I a little, but hey its been fun and enjoy the meese.

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