On the 5th was our first trip to Dland of the year...
12th, I made this mosaic at Madera WT. (insert link later, which means maybe never)
16th, a car hit a fire hydrant. Jen and I went to Red Robin, then she got a haircut. I had to go to the bathroom badly...
20th we met at BajaFresh.
22nd I tested the photo studio lighting setup.
23rd, there was a drug deal going on across the street.
24th, Jen and I went to ElTorito. I took shots of Eliel's haircut and Jen's braces.
On the 26th, I met with Janel and Shea at the Moorpark Library to do a photoshoot for an upcoming assignment. I shot about 800 shots, using 450 of them for a movie that I compiled here.
On the 30th we took a hike and camped on the top of Mt. Pinos in the snow. Matt B. and his Dad, James C., Nathan B., Pryce, trebor, Eliel, and I were up there, the blog is here.
Jaden seemed like he needed attention and some one on one, so we went to the park. I realized how out of shape he his (partially his diet), but mostly from inactivity throughout the day.
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